Logo Comparisons (nonprofit)

The Good
The World Wide Foundation For Animals
Non Profit for animal care
The WWF is a company that operates fund raisers and charity events to sponser the preservation and protection of endangered and uncared for species around the world. They operate with television commercials and radio advertisements and sell t-shirts and bags online to promote their cause as well as to raise money for the effort. The logo is straight forward and successful which is neccessary because of the WWF name and how it is already trademarked to wrestling. The panda symbol they use is instantly recognizable and works in various colors and formats.The Bad
Akron Summit Public Library
Wordmark w/bad graphics
Non Profit Library
The Akron Summit Public Library logo has bothered me since Ive had a library card. The facilities and services they offer are some of the best free services available. You can rent current dvds, audiobooks, magazines, and much much more completely free! They recently built newer facilities and operate at a high caliber for a library, but the logo they use is so dated and strange. To me their logo begins to look like a lifeline with a sharp edge or a cityline, but not a bookshelf which its supposed to be. The orange and white makes no reference or connotation to anything library related and the whole scheme of it just falls flat. This could really use revisions.
I do agree with you on a couple things here Mike... I think the colors make this logo look so dated. The orange and white with no other contrast makes it look very generic. Plus the orange reminds me of the 1970's. Another negative is the open space ignored under the Akron-Summit County. However, I think the design is decent. It could be modified a little. The line you mentioned that looks like a lifeline looks to me like a building facility. The sharp angle denotes that its a city building. I think its interesting that books are suggested with the rising bars on the left. It also sends a positive message as the bars increase in size.