Summary for pages 67-95 woo!

Well the chapter begins by discussing communication in respect to the transportation of messages as well as semiotics of how it is recieved. They first define three levels of problems with communication as how accurately, precisely, and effectively convey the meaning. They then break down the semantic level of marks and talk about the differences and changes in logos as they go from country to country in order to be sensetive to religion and such. They give examples-Montblanc pens, the Red Cross...etc All of that discusses the question, "How is this recieved by the target audience?". The chapter then turns to channels, media, and formats to discuss ways in which a logo can be streamlined to your sight. It is definately a challenge to get your logo to hit a person the exact way you want it to and at the right time. There are so many venues for display. They discuss the positive and negative advantages to print, digital, three dimensional, and so much more. I never really thought about how something is recieved is aspect to what happens to a logo in a given enviroment, ex. a neon sign glowing over a wet street. I never thought of how many varying ways a logo is read every day. Linguistic functions take stage just after that. Each of the functions ex. emotive, conative, poetic,phatic, metalingual, referential, are discussed in lieu of how they each effect a given viewer, which helps to clarify to me how many levels something has to work on to achieve the reception I talked about earlier.
The chapter then turns to signs. There are a whole bunch of different styles of signs and varying sizes and this portion discusses the technical aspects of a good or bad sign in respect to how it portrays and id. This is when I really felt that the chapter was starting to touch base the most with what we are doing. Signs have to be effective and have to stand the test of time because their out there with your name and ideas 24/7 so that the whole world can see what your about. There is so much time and money that goes into an idea before a sign and It really makes the pressure evident as to how well your logo must be. I liked the showing of the old Marlboro sign which reminded me of Arby's old signage and Long John Silvers. Those signs especially have to do well because of there added cost and specific placement to a demographic. Putting up alchahol or cigarette signs in Las Vegas is a great idea becuase people go there to cut lose and use those products.
Symbols, icons, and trademarks close out the chapter. I gained alot of understanding from this because it really put an emphasis on an icon making sense. I like to illustrate, but this portion of the chapter discussed where alot of icons come from and the criteria they have to meet to really stand the test of time. In a small logo illustration, you only really get one shot to make the viewer see what your trying to say, and then you can only hope that they like it after that. I liked the peak into how logos and icons have been done for years and the transformation of symbols into modern icons. There are just so many facets to building a logo I hadn't realized I haven't considered. There was ALOT of information in this chapter and I understand why we were told to read it several times, because I understood most of it, but those models for communication and it's reception just threw me a little. With all the many ways to comunicate any given mark I just hadn't realized the environment you have to build one from. With so many things to consider, I'm going to try to apply some of this to my final logo which I think will be my summit one. See everyone in class!